Policies & Restrictions

Ontario Government rules take effect Wednesday Sept 22nd. Starting this Saturday at our next home game, Fans will be required to show proof of double vaccination & personal ID before entering the Arena.
Required: Paper copy of 2nd dose OR download your electronic version using this link


*Click on the blue “Get your electronic receipt”
*Scroll down, Check off the box Terms of Use
*Click continue
*Follow the instructions

Be sure to buy and download your tickets online
prior to coming to the game !!

Once in the arena the following protocols are in place for EVERYONE:

1. All fans will be verbally screened for any symptoms.
2. All fans will be required to wear masks at all times except when eating or drinking.
3. Fans will be encouraged to maintain physical distancing and refrain from handshakes and/or high fives.
4. Hand sanitizer is available at front gate.
5. There is no leaving and re-entry into the arena.